Liquid Crystals
Cotton Flower, soft and silkydrops, delicatelyflavoured: a cosmetic treatment with a brightening and nourishingeffect on the hair, improvesitsstructure and makesit soft and shiny.
How to use:
1) Beforedrying. Apply on lenghts and ends of towel-driedhair, Cotton Flowercontributes to the softness, brightness and combability of the hair. 2) Afterdrying. For an impeccablefinish, apply some drops on lengths and ends. 3) Dailytouch-up. On lengths and endsatany moment of the day, to fighthumidity and extend the hair set.
Active ingredients:
Cotton Oil (nourishingaction, rich in E vitamin), SilkProteins (restorativeaction), Active VegetalStemCells (free radical-counteractingaction).
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